The Temple of the Three Pure Ones offers rituals and practices of Taoism dating back over 2,700 years. We are established to share the Taoist teachings with the community and our belief to love and accept all.


Our Mission

Taoism is founded in the belief of always revealing the infinite shine of the perfect diamond that is your life. With every breath, with every movement, with every thought opening up to more and more perfection. As you start your day through every second, something becomes better, something becomes brighter. Through emotions you find the happiness, the joy, the love. Through thoughts you find a moment to help, to heal, to support, to be that person that shows someone there is hope, there is resolve, there is freedom from what they may believe is negativity.

The teachings of the Tao will redefine simplicity, complexity and intern change the view of the world to allow the concept of accepting every place, person and thing as they are. By receiving this, it leads you back to perfection, dissolving the preconceived notions of your story, the sum of your life experiences that brings you to the point of acknowledging the power of the Tao. There is no right or wrong. By dissolving duality, you find yourself in what we call “the flow”. Your life becomes a constant, a movement, a level of what some would call being lucky. Having things always go your way. Never being being in a moment where you may define having a bad day.

“Life is to short to spend it without knowing the value.”
— Lao Tzu